Email App for Hotmail >Outlook


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Email App for Hotmail is an email app for everybody It is really easy to use. with this free and universal application you can login to any type of account (Outlook, Gmail, Hotmail, AOL, Yahoo, iCloud, GMX) and any kind of account IMAP,Exchange,POP3 with a universal mailbox with modern design and friendly interface you can have all your emails in one place in Instantly easy and safe way.This app is focused on the user, so that you can manage your mailbox so easy and fast granting to you the best possible experience in mail apps, We listen to the suggestions of our users to enhance your experience and together improve this app every day
- Connect for hotmail App support any type of account, Gmail, Yahoo, Outlook, AOL, ICloud, GMX,, office365, Google aps, Zoho, Hushmail, hotmail and many more.
- Multiple email accounts in one mailbox.
-Support on IMAP, POP3, Exchange.
Easy way to manage your mailbox:
- with this app you can have your mailbox organized don't waste your time looking for any email in any of your accounts.
- search tool emails by name, date, file size, attachments.
-management mails by folders (you can create new folders or use the default folders).
- Daily synchronization to your email account, emails are downloaded to read later without internet connection
-filter for spam emails.
visual design:
- This application has a friendly interface so you can use it easy and fast without any complications.
- You can customize the font, color, size.
- Change the color of your mailbox.
- Change your profile picture and assign to your contacts to find them more easily.
- Funny design icons.
Easy way to write emails.
- Connect for Hotmail App Free write so easy and fast emails to all your contacts.
- Synchronize with your contact list you can send emails to your contacts phone or email contact.
- some message or signature to put at the end of every email sent.
- You can customize notifications.
- Add custom sounds, vibration alerts.
- Mute notifications for a while.
- with our app your personal data is completely safe, this app uses industrial safety protocols so that your emails are always safe.